Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Still grading your finals.... so far pretty good kids =]
In the mean time... here is a picture of 37 year old Anna, a girl name Viet and blurry troll Gia Yen.

See you in two weeks.

-Thay Vinh


  1. I was writing an essay about thank you right now but um it got deleted because I was rushing and clicked SIGN OUT instead of PUBLISH so umm...
    Thank you Thay Vinh and Co Bao Chi <---Summary of my essay :D

  2. Thay Vinh,
    Do we get to keep our tests? 'Cause I want my quotes collage back. I'll accept 'no' for answer though. Just let me copy down the new quotes in class though...

  3. Vinh said he didnt study so when he got home from science camp i bet he crammed and tried to memorize everything in 5 hours and i was like "wow"

  4. If u cover his hair viet really does look like a girl in that pic (no offense) XD

  5. LOL! You're right, Sophia!

  6. No vinh u werent even there that day

  7. Hi Viv, sorry u guys wont be able to keep the test.

  8. Wat! I thought we get to take it home and keep it ;'(

  9. The school keeps it. That way they can reuse it every year without the incoming 5th grade students knowing what's on the finals, especially younger siblings.

  10. 16th comment I'm so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so nervous
    I wanna A (Probably Thay Vinh reads this and is like "Ha try a C or a B just like he did w/ one of my chinh ta")

    Haven't been active since I've been busy with life in general.(Lol in GENERAL)
    ^ Best Quote By Dawson Copyright is Legal-ish
    Welp I'm boring I have like 3 incomplete projects to turn in next Friday <--Facepalm

    I've just notice this blog has narrated the story of 1/12 of my life (b/c of age that's why its 1/12)

    So yea.....one day left of Vietnamese school...

  11. Surprisingly this year of Vietnamese is the only one in 5 year that I don't want to end just yet...

  12. Thư thầy, can you be my 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th grade teacher?

  13. Me 2 I agree 2
    And Thay Vinh isn't going to be in 6th, 7th, etc. b/c last year he was in 5A this yr 5B so next year he is gonna be 5C maybe

  14. Dawson, that means very much to me. much more than i think you know. thank you =] you guys all did great and should have nothing to worry about. see you everyone tomorrow.

  15. Kristine what r u talking about? And anna you spelled my name wrong its sophia lol

  16. Are we actually having a potluck next week?

  17. just to be clear... we are NOT having a potluck next week. sorry kids =/

  18. Wow... No potluck near finals time. That sucks. Literally every other class got a potluck :'(
