Monday, May 11, 2015

Finals is this upcoming Sunday 2015-05-17


  1. Thanks for updating the blog early.

  2. uugh too much English school hw on the week b4 the finals of viet school.


    And Thay btw if you don't want to get spamed next year create another blogger account only for this

  3. I mean use another spare account for the blog

  4. I keep writing đ instead of d on my english hw

  5. Lol some times I do that too xD

  6. Thay Vinh what happens when you get a word wrong in the hoc thuoc long will it get subtracted points or will it be correct as long as you get what we're trying to say.

    Thanks Thay Vinh!

  7. if you missed a word or you misspelled the word, it is considered wrong.

  8. Oh god. We're doomed.

  9. Now let's talk about anything but the finals. REMEMBER: think POSITIVE!

  10. I'm POSITIVE that we're doomed!

  11. Vivian not many people can be positive at this point, fifth grade of Vietnamese school just made Vietnamese school a LOT HARDER.
    So Hoc Thuoc Long is basically a chinh ta but no one is reading it to you...
    Dang who cares about getting an A I just wanna pass at this point.

    1. HAHAHAHHAHAHA wow 5th grade was easy af tho

  12. Why can't the test be AFTER Memorial Day like I don't have time to study Vietnamese on top of English School.
    I'm in trouble I barely finished half way of what Thay Vinh gave us.

    Random Thought:
    What happens if someone doesn't study for the test and wrote 80 extra credit that would be funny.

  13. I'm scared of failing 5 grade.

  14. Replies
    1. Hey vinh can u control thy she told me DURING PE that she thinks u like me (i wanna do the rolling eyes emoji but i cant)

    2. so now im stuck with the annoying, hyper, and false rumor spreading sister? dang, my life is so hard

    3. p.s. im studying for the test. i memorized the viet su anwers so far. ill keep u guys notified

  15. The only way you can really fail is if you don't do finals and practically never do anything, such as chinh ta, homework, and the translations.

  16. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, no Vivian. Lets say someone has 70 percent in the first trimester, then they fail the final test 60 out of 100 and then the percent get changed. The final test is worth a lot.
    My cousin failed last year b/c of the finals.

    Btw I don't have 70% have have like 85% on first trimester so... it depends on the test score... My parents want me to get an A

    #WhoIsGonnaWinTheTrophies...well not me but I'll hope. :D

  17. Correction of what I said:
    Lets say someone has 70 percent in the first trimester, then they fail the final test: 60 out of 100 and they got low scores on other stuff so...

  18. I feel like we're missing a ton of vocabulary and stuff for the test. Are we having anything vocab besides the tu ngu

  19. Ugh this is my busiest week of school i had to write two essays for school and one had to be four pages plus i have to make a portfolio and everything else too and on top of that i have to study i agree with dawson it should be after memorial day

  20. I love Algebra Homework... not
    Tomorrow we start the SBAC(Smarter Balanced Assessments Consortium) tests that last about TWO WEEKS -,- (It's basically the STAR Test but our school replaced it w/ SBAC)
    Well I have two weeks of testing on the computer ON TOP OF STUDYING FOR VIETNAMESE
    YAY!...not -,-
    I can't wait to get the nest weeks over with...

  21. 25 comment! :D I'm currently taking a 5 minute break from Algebra xD.

  22. Ugh I hate the smarter balance tests

  23. WAT ur sbac tests r 2 weeks?!?!? Ours r like 10 weeks!!! Jk its like 5 but still!

  24. Imma study like 10 bonus points :D xD

  25. If i learn one hundred proverbs, will you count all of them or only 5? I thought i can get points for every proverb but my mom said you will only give me 5.

  26. If we can get more than 5 bonus points i'm gonna study like 20 :P
