Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Homework due on 2014-10-26
- Bài làm #5
- Chép "Buổi Chiều Hè" 3x lần
- Dịch (Translate) "Buổi Chiều Hè"

ôn bài chính tả "Buổi Chiều Hè"

Missing work
Missing Homework:
If you have already turned in the work but the grade was not recorded or if you have not done the work, please do them this week and make sure to turn them in this Sunday.

Missing Chinh Ta:
Make sure to review them this week.  Make up Chinh Ta will be given during recess this Sunday.

Link to vocabulary list here.
Please print vocabulary and bring them to class.

See you Sunday!
-Thay Vinh

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